Seminar details

David Just (Cornell University), 22 February, 2016, 4:30pm, NUBS 4.25

 Joint AFRD/BENC seminar

Speaker: Professor David Just, Cornell University    

Title: Why Choice Matters and Why it Doesn’t: An Application to Food Policy 

Date & Time: 22 February (Monday), 4:30-5:45 PM

Venue: Newcastle University Business School, Room 4.25

                  5 Barrack Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4SE  


Abstract: In the attempt to curb the obesity crisis, policymakers are taking ever stronger measures. Recently this has resulted in several high profile cases of backlash, with consumers complaining that their choices are being limited. Despite this, there is strong evidence that most food choices are not deliberative and can be influenced by very small changes in the environment. If choices are so malleable, why do consumers hold them so dear? Building on prior work demonstrating the impact of emotional responses to policy, we demonstrate how well intentioned policies can be weakened or even backfire. By expanding the scope of welfare analysis, we argue that effective policy must account for the emotional and behavioral responses of those directly impacted.  This means policies that achieve goals by persuasion, empathy or motivation may often be much more effective than those achieving their goals through confrontation, restriction or compulsion.  

Last modified: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 17:36:10 GMT